resultant intensities, particularly on ENTU, were higher than anticipated,
The barge shota, on the cther hand, appeared to remain in a fine aercsal-type
clewt (without a base eurge phencaens) persisting fer leng poriods cf time,
Clese-in on the shot atoll, the barge shots preduced contamination couparable


Long range aspects indicated high aerial intensities out to at

least 50 miles and appreciable (ut net dangercus) intensities out to 600
miles fer periods of 24 t3 48 hours after the detenation.

This latter feature

of the barge shot raised a crucial prebles wiich should be considered en £

future operations, namely the necessity of evaluatingthe "shine dose" fran +
this type burst in particular, and high yield shots im general.

(See para


Tre development of the CASTLE Radsafe Plan revelved primarily arcunc

two basic criteria, i.e. the so-called Rule Ocoee and the Tactical Cese.

Rule Dose:

This desage allowance is the legal Limit er Maximm

Permissible Exposure (MPE) ef 0.3r per week (gamm. ly) set sy the AEC upen
the advice of a committee of radiation experts,

It is the industrial safe-

guard based an & continuous week by week, year by year exposure at this rate.

Since this 1s the legal lint, deviation from this standard may tend te place ;/
the Task Force Commander open to question.

As 8 consequence, the Limit

creates radiation ecatrel, problems in each instance of work performed in
contaminated areas and becomes progressively more a problem as the yield, the

mumber ef atemic events and the rapidity with waich they are detonated ine


Tactical Dese:

This desage allowance is that ameunt accepted

by DOD autherities in the radiation field fer use in tactical or emerger:7
situations as required.

It is based upen the consideration that it will be

Select target paragraph3