extent to resolve special cases, the cajority of which were a mumber of scientifie prejoct personnel and the crews on four major ships.

The varicus

factors involved were weighed and evaluated in all cases, the technical and
nities] imp'ications and the ability and necessity for completion of missions
wie the major factors leading to the decisions to authorize a departure frea
te 3.99 standard for the operation,

Shot Conditions and General Results:

The following dise.

on is

lixited to shot locations, generalized indication of yield, plann

tions and general results of the CASTILE shots,


Detailed shot results are

peosented in Tabs K through P,

a. The CASTLE program included shot conditions net previously
sccvountered in test operations, i.e. shots on barges in relatively shallow
watcr, and one shot on a small sand spit.

According to the latest schedule

prior to the eperation, the shots at Bikini Atoll weuld be located - one
on a emall sand spit in the wicinity of NAM), four on barges in the lagoon

near YUROCHT and ene on ENINMAN.

One shot was scheduled fcr BEERIRU on

All shots were to be surface events, statically dotomated.

shots were in the wry high yleld range except the me at ENTWETOX.


executed en CASTIZ, one of the four BIKINI barge shots was moved to a barges

shot in the IVY MIKE creter at ENIWETOX, and thc EBERIRU shot was cancelled,

The IVY MIKE shot radiolegical fall-out data illustrated a somen

what new feature in the fall-out phenomena associated with the detonation of

“high yleld weapons. Stated in its simplest terms, and insefar as the atoll
islands are concerned, there was little difference between upwind and down
wind conditions for a censiderable distance fron ground sere.

This phenemena

was ascribed to a torroidal atmospheric circulation set up lecally and from
which the heactar. bomb and bomb site debris was force-fed to the ound oy.

Select target paragraph3