411714 g\ul* Martin Rk. Hoffmann, General Counsel nent” Jann A. Harris, Director, Office of Information Services Martin #8. Biles, Director, Division of (perational Safety fobert J. Catlin, Director, Division of Environmental Affairs John R. Totter, Director, Division of Biomedical and Enviromental Prank &. Pittman, Director, Jivisien of Waste Management and Transportation An Eniwetok Coordination Comittee is to be established to previde a working level group asong the various interested divisions and offices within Headquarters. The chairasn of this Comittee will be Cok W. F. Wolff, USN, Office of Tests, Oivision of “ilitary Application. It is requested that each addressee designate a committee member who is know le in matters regarding Eniwetek which are of interest to his office or division. Since the Imiwetok Coordination Comuittec will have no policy-making authority, no meaber will be called on to wake decisions which establish de : acto policy fer his office or division. This Cousittee will sect approximately weekly at the call of the chairman. The first meeting is tentatively scheduled for 2:50 p.m., Septesber 14, 1972. BEST COPYAVAILABLE Is Distribution: so: Hoffmann sc: Harris Frank A. Carm sc: Biles sc: Catlin Major Generel, USA Assistant General denager sc: Totter sc: Pittman for Military Application cc: ene? TMA ; cc: P REPOSITORY Dor Gee: Std DMA MASTESTS AGMA COLLECTION :RG WEWe 1f£/jm EA c BOX Ne. 9/7/72 9/ /72 FOLDER Histor 4 Divison \ 3167 jowmy} MC Craw’ JubH }320 _ © 5 ONL? etan