Aurmaat 11, 1980
my. Richard D. Copakes
Ceringgoa & burlins
362 16eh Street, 8. YW.
Wasifagtoa, D>. C. 20606
Bear “Yr. Copakes:
At oor weetinssen éurust 4 awl 6 coacerning a bealth plan fer the Marshall
Islance, I agreed to previdéda veu with our proposed Seope of York to prospective contractors.

Follewiag these meetiags, we concluded that we could sor bepe for realiseic
Tespoases to requests to presapective contractors if we deferred our initial

wailias to them until sometime after August 15.

Aa I recall, we bed tnformally

Terreseatet to yeu Chet we woulc prebably defer that agiling uncil after

Aucest 18, becanse thac fe the deadline chet ve provided te you for commente

eo sur proposed contrace. Os further considerations, however, it eppeared
that we could eet delay that leaz, and still nope to hawe the contract
Tesalts ia haad by uid-Novenber.

Accordingly, the attached conmscication was mailed on August 38 te seven

prospective contractors. A list ef the seven is attaches. All aames of
individvels and institutions that were suggested to us by affecte! peoples,
by the Covernomest of the Marehall Islands, or by their lawyers, are included

You will recognize that a part of the sttachment is derivei from the ciscussion paper thet was pefome us at the Aucust 4 and © mextings. We have
made sows changes to reflect views then expressed.
We await whatever further sugrestions you sey wish to seke te ut by the close
of basiness on August 1f, 28 stated ia eur Discussion Paper. Following that
date, we expect to issue « supplementary document, modifying che actached is
light of the views sabeitted te as by that date.
I regret that tins is so short, but we enust adbere to our preposed ascaedule
if we are to meet our January 1, 1961, statutory deadline.
Wallace 0- Gree

Wallace 0. Creen
Assistant Secretary Designate

Territorial ani Intereational Affairs
Identical letter to Theodore Mitenell and Jocarhan

Select target paragraph3