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United States Department ofthe Interior

AUG 13 1980

Mr. Charles T. Domnick

Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs
Government of the Marshall Islands
Majuro, Marshall Islands 96960
Dear Mr. Donmmick:
We have your letter of August 8, concerning the implementation of Section 102
of Public Law 96-205.

We were pleased to be able to meet with representatives of the Marshall
Islands Government on August 6, as its representatives had asked us to do.
We regretted your absence, and the absence of other Marshall Islands Government representatives, from our August 4 consultations with other involved
parties, inasmuch as the pertinent Federal agencies were more fully represented on that earlier date.
As you know, we acted in June to schedule the

consultations for August 4 and to invite participation by the Marshall Islands

Government, so as to afford all prospective attendees many weeks of advance

notice. Several of the Federal experts who had arranged to be present on
the scheduled date were otherwise committed for August 6, since none of us

knew until August 4 that you would not be present that day, but wanted instead
to meet two days later.
Nevertheless, we did our best to accommodate you on
short notice, and from your letter we infer that you found our several-hour
session of some value.

As you know from our Discussion Paper dated August 1, which we hand-delivered
to you in Washington on that date, we are confronted with a necessarily tight
time schedule in implementing Section 102, in light of the deadline for the
submission of a report that the Congress has imposed upon us. We therefore
cannot provide more time than we have already agreed to for comment on what
we expect to ask the contractor to do.
That is, as our Discussion Paper of
August 1 states, before the close of business on August 18 we must have any

comments you wish to offer on the material contained in our Discussion Paper
under the title of "Responsibilities of the Contractor" -- which is the same

as a "scope of work",

Because of our early deadline, and because the procurement process is itself
time-consuming, we concluded that we needed to approach prospective contractors
as soon as possible.
Accordingly, this Department mailed an initial Request
for Proposals to seven contractors on August 8.
I so advised your counsel
on August ll, enclosing a copy of the request.
Enclosed herewith is a copy

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