The Honorable Wallace O. Green
Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary
Territorial & International Affairs
August 8, 1980
Page Two

however, it has become apparent to the Government of the
Marshall Islands from cur earlier meetings, and was again
emphasized in the meeting on August 6, 1980, that no meaningful consultations as mandated by Public Law 96-205 can take
place until the United States Executive Pranch is prepared
to put forward orally or in writing some clear notion of its
interpretation of the statute so that areas of difference
can be identified and a mutually satisfactory health care
Plan developed.
Although we appreciate that we all must proceed
expeditiously, the Government of the Marshall Islands must
insist that it be provided a reasonable period of time to
review and to discuss with you any scope of work document
anc draft contract before their presentation to an outside
contractor and that the Government of the Marshall Islands
be provided an opportunity to meet with the contractor
before it proceeds to carryout any contract.
Hopefully this
censultation can take place in the Marshall Islands where
the people to be involved in the health care program can be
afforded an cprportunity to participate.
The Government of

the Marshall Isiands does not seek to delay for even one day

Or one minute the delivery of health care to the people of

the Marshall Islands as provided by Public Law 96-205.


have been seeking to consult with the United States to
develop a health care plan since March 12, 1980 when Public
Law 96-205 came into force.
However, we must insist that
the implementation of the statute be carried forward in
accordance with the Congressional intent that there be
meaningful consultation with the Government of the Marshall
Islands so that the people of the Marshall Islands receive

the full range of health services to which they are entitled
under this statute.
We believe that with an opportunity for
meaningful consultation and careful thought the plan called
for in Public Law 96-205 can be prepared by January 1, 1981
as directed by the Congress and we are committed to working
cooperatively with you to the fullest extent possible

toward that goal.

With these thoughts in mind, the Government of the
Marshall Islands offers the following preliminary comments
on the Discussion Paper which we reviewed in our August 6,

1980 meeting.

We have had only a short time to consider

this paper and therefore reserve the opportunity to provide
further comments cn the Discussion Paper at a later date

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