
He |

| has,


1 not submitted the required annual report to the


essistant Secretary of Labor for Employment Standards.

He {J has, | { has not made a good faith effort to effectuate and
zsry out his affirmative action program.
He will not award subcontracts to persons or concerns that have not
; welished programs and submitted annual reports as required by the clause.


The offeror (or bidder) hereby certifies that:

(1) Be | {| is, |_| is not, a former U.S. Department of the Interior
.JSLi} regular or special employee whose USDI employment terminated within one

_car prior to submission of this bid or proposal.


The offeror {|{| does, || does not, employ a former USDI regular or

sr~cial employee, whose USDI employment terminated within one year prior to
satmission of this bid or proposal, and who will be involved directly or indirectly
:7 the management, administration, or performance of any contract resulting from
- Eid or proposal.



The offeror |

| will, | | will not, employ as a consultant on any


A former USDI employee whose USDI employment terminated within one

“-ract resulting from this bid or proposal a former regular or special USDI
- -/e@e whose USDI employment terminated within one year prior to submission
ct this bid or proposal.

.7:t prior to
submissionof this bid or proposal or such employee's spouse or
7 child it
TT does, Tt does not, hold a controlling interest in the offeror


(CLEAN AIR AND WATER CERTIFICATION (Applicable if the bid or offer exceeds

:7°0,000, of the Contracting Officer has determined that orders under an indefinite

weautity contract in any year will: exceed $100,000, or a facility to be used has

bocr the subject of a conviction under the Clean Air Act [42 USC§1857c-B(c)(1))
oz the Federal Water Pollution Control Act [33 USC §1319(c)] and is listed by the

r.u.irenmental Protection Agency [EPA], or is otherwise not exempt.)
The bidder or offeror certifies as follows:


Lt has,

Any facility to be utilized in the performance of this proposed contract

| has not, been listed on the Environmental Proection Agency List of

Viclating Facilities.

ke will promptly notify the Contracting Officer, prior to award, of the
receipt of any communication from the Director, Office of Federal Activities,

Environmental Protection Agency, indicating that any facility which he proposes

to use for the performance of the contract is under consideration to be listed in
the EPA List of Violating Facilities.

He will include substantially this certification,

‘¢), in every nonexempt subcontract.

including this paragraph

Select target paragraph3