subtnitted in response to a solicitation requiring receipt of bid by the

de procurement is advertised, and Request for Proposa! (RFP) where

(2) Tt was sent by mail (or telegram if authorized) and it is determined by the Government that the late receipt was due solely to mishandlingby the Government after receipt at the Gevernment installation

“4 used herein:
(a) The term “wolicitation” means Invitation for Bids (IFB) where

ade procarement is negotiated.
) The term “offer” means bid where the procurement is advertised,
ind proposa! where the procurement is negotiated.

(c) For purposes of this solicitation and Block 2 of Standard Form 83,
the term “advertised” includes Small Business Restricted Advertising and
other types of restricted advertising.


(b) Each offeror shal! furnish the information required by the soliciation. The offeror shall sign
the solicitation and print or type bis name
om the Schedule and each Continuation Sheet thereof on which he

makes an entry. Erasures or other changes must be initialed by the


signing the offer. Offer signed by an agent are to be accompanied
evidence of his authority unless such
evidence bas been previously furnished
to the issuing office.
(c) Unit price for each unit offered shal! be shown and such price

shal! include packing unless otherwise specified. A total shall be entered
in the Amount column of the Schedule for each item offered. In case of

discrepancy between a unit price and extended price, the unit price wil!
presumed to be correct, subject. however, to correction to the same
exent and in the same manner as any other mistake.
(d) Offers for supplies or services other than those specified will mot

be considered unless authorized bythe solicitation.

(e) Offeror must state a definite time for delivery of supplies or for
performance of services unless otherwise specified in the solicitation.
(f) Time, if stated as a number of days, wil! include Saturdays, Sundays and holidays.
(g) Code boxes are for Government use only.

% EXPLANATION TO OFPFERORS. Anyexplanation desired by an offeror
wegarding the meaning or interpretation of the solicitation, drawings,
apecifications, etc., must be requested in writing and with sufficient time
lowed for a reply to reach offerors before the submission of their
offers. Ora! explanations or instructions given before the award of the

Contract will not be binding. Any information given to a prospective

Oeror concerning a solicitation will be furnished to all prospective
offeror as an amendment of the solicitation, if such information a
netesary to offeror: in submitting offen on the solicitation or if the lack

of such information would be prejudicial to uninformed offerors.


eeipt of an amendment to a solicitation by an offeror must be acknow!33, or (c) by letter or telegram

of a bid is subject to the same

person by 6

known and he signs a receipt for the bid, but only if the withdrawal 2,

made prior to the exact time set for receipt of bids.
only acceptable evidence to establish:

(b) on the reverse

Such acknowledg-

ment must be received prior to the hour and date specified for receipt of


(e) Offers and modifications thereof shall be enclosed in sealed

vent either by registered or certified mail is the U.S. Postal Service
postmark on the wrapper or on the origina! receipt from the US Post! Service. If neitherpostmark shows a legible date. the bid, modification, or
1 be deemed to have been mailed late. (The term “postmark” mean: a printed, stamped, or otherwise placed impression that
is readily iden
le withour further action as having been supplied

snd afixed on the date of mailing by employees of the U.S.



time of receipt at the Government installation is the time-

date stamp of such installation on the bid wrapper or other documentary evidence of receipt maintained by theinstallation.
"té) Norwithstanding (a) and (b) of this provision, a late modification of an otherwise successful bid which makes its terms more favorable
to the Governmentwil! be considered at any time it is received and may
be accepted.

(a) Any proposal received at the office designated in the solicitation

alter the exact time specified for receipt will not be considered unless it is
is received before award is made, and:
(1). ¥t was sent by registered or certified mail not later than the fifth

ealendar day prior to the date specified for receipt of offers (e.g., an offer

submitted in response to a solicitation sequiring receipt of
offers by the
20th of the month must have been mailed by the 15th or earlier) ;
(2) It was sent by mail (or telegram if authorized) and it is determined by the Government that the late receipt was due solely to mis-

bandling by the Government after receipt at the Government installation ;
{3} Ic is the only propena! received.
b) Any modification of a p

, except s modification resulting

from the Contracting Officer's request for “best and final” offer, is subject to the same conditions as in (a) (1) and (a) (2) of this provision.

(¢) A modification resulting from the Contracting Officer's request for
“best and fina!” offer received after the time and date specified in the

request will not be considered unless received before award and the late
receipt is due solely to mishandling by the Government after receipt at
rament installation.
‘} The only acceptable evidence to establish :
1) The date of mailing of a late pers! or modification sent either
by registered or certified mail is the U.S. Postal Service postmark on the
wrapper or on the origina! receipt from the U.S. Postal! Service. If neither
tmpark shows a legible date, the
posal er modification shall be

to have been mailed late.

(The term

inted, stamped, or otherwise placed im

ble without further action as having

" means &


that is readily identi-

been supplied and

ed on

envglopes and addressed to the office specified in the solicitation. The
offeror shall show the hour and date specified in the solicitation for

the date of mailing by employees of the U.S. Postal Service.)
(2) The time a receipt at the Government installation ie the time-

on the face of the envelope.

mentary evidence of receipt maintained by the installation.
Notwithstanding (a), (b) and (c), of this provision, 8 late modifi-

Feceipt, the solicitation number, and the name and address of the offeror

(b) Telegraphic offers will not be considered unless authorized by the

solicitation; however, offers may be modified by telegraphic notice, pro-

vided such notice is received prior te the hour and date specified for

receipt. (However, see pa
27 and 8.)
(c) Samples of items, when required, must be submitted within the
specified, and unless otherwise specified by the Government, at a0
expense to the Government. If not destroyed by testing, sample will be

returned at offeror’s request and expense, unless otherwise specified by
the solicitation.

6. PAILURE TO SUBMIT OFFER If no offer ix to be eubmitted, do pot
return the solicitation unlem ‘otherwise specified. A letter or postcard
should be sent to the issuing office advising whether future solicitations
for the
of supplies or services covered by this solicitation are desired.
the recipient to offer, or to notify the issuing office that future
solicitations are desired, may rerul: in removal of the name of such
recipient from the malling list for the type of supplies or services
by the solicitation.


(a) Any bid received at the office designated in the solicitation after

the exact time specified for receipt wil! not be considered unless kk is

geceived before award is made and either:

(1) It was sent by registered or certified mall not laver than the Sfth
calendar day price to the date specified for the receipt of bids (og, « bid

date stamp of such installation on the

! wrapper or other docu-

cation of an otherwise successful proposal which makes its terms more

favorable to the Government will be considered at any time it is received
and may be accepted.

(f) Proposals may be withdrawn bywritten or telegraphic potice

yeceived at any time
prior to award.
potals may be withdrawn in
rion by an
offeror or his authorized representative, provided his identi

D imade known and he signs a receipt for the

Note: The term “telegram” includes mailgrams.

prior to oware

Note: The alternate late proposals, modification of proposals and
withdrawal! ef proposal provision proscribed by 41 CFR 1-3.802-2(b)
shall be used in Leu of provision 8,if specified by the contract.
(a) Notwithstanding the fact that a blank is provided for a ten (10)

day discount, prompt payment discounts offered for
payment within k
than twenty 0} calendar dayt will not be considered in evaluating

offers for award, unless otherwise specified in the solicitation. However,
offered discounts of less than 20 days will be ken if payment bs made
within the discount period, even though not considered in the evaluation

(b) Ia ecaneetion with any discount offered,

time will be computed

from dave of delivery of the supplies to carrier when delivery and accept-

STANDARD PORM 33-A (Rev. 7-77)
Prescribed by GSA, FPR (41 CFR) 1-16.10!


(a) Offerors are expected to examine the drawings, specifications,
ichedule, and all instructions. Failure to do 90 wil) be at the offeror's

of Standard Form

(b) Any m..dification or withdrawal!

conditions ay in (a), above. A bid mayalso be withdrawn in

bidder or bis authorized representative, provided his identity is made

1) The date of mailing of a late bid, modification, or withdraws!


edged (a) by signing and returning the amendment,

20th of the month must have been mailed b, the T5th o- earlier); or

Select target paragraph3