
DUjelang Atoll is within the region of low level fallout. At least once
Guring the nuclear testing period, it is reported that the U.S. Navy
temporarily evacuated the people of Ujelang by taking the entire community
to sea during a test operation.
Today approximately 500 people make up the Ujelang-Enewetak community,
with another 40 or so Ujelangese living on Ebeye or Majuro.
with the start of the cleanup and rehabilitation program of Enewetak

Atoll in 1976, a small revolving community of some 60 Ujelangese was
permitted to live on Japtan Isiand in the southern part of Enewetak
Atoll. Most of the members of the Ujelang community have thus lived for
at least a six month period on Japtan Island during the timespan of
1976-1980. In April 1980, the Japtan community was expanded to 140

As of July 1, 1980, 265 Enewetakese had returned to the

three new communities.

Most of the remaining population on Ujelang is

expected to return to Enewetak and Medren within the coming year.

Ujelang Atoll, however, will continue to be used as a source of fresh
food supply and will be in continual use for the next 6-10 years by the
Enewetak people, either by having an outpost commmity there or a revolving


Health care for the people of Enewetak, accordingly, must be

provided at Ujelang if a community remains there as well as Enewetak.

The Department of Energy in the spring of 1980 carried out a “whole
body" count on the entire Ujelang group prior to the planned return to
the southern parts of Enewetak Atoll. No basic medical survey of the
Enewetak group has as yet been carried out.


Other Atolls of the Northern Marshalls

The Government of the Marshall Islands has expressed considerable concern

that other atolls in the Northern Marshalls known to be in the areas of

low level radiation fallout, should in reality de listed in the category

of “affected atolls’.




In early 1979, the Government of the Marshil1 Islands on thebasis of

results of interviews, questionnaires, and examinations of the people of

Likiep Atoll caméto the conclusion that there is more than a normal
incidence of thyroid disorders, throat problems, and other medical

abnormalities among the people of that atoll.

The Government of the Marshalls has requested thet the heelth of the
people of Likiep and associated atolls be studied.

The Department of

Energy has-agreed to provide a biochemical screening profile of the
peopl#'of Likiep Atoll, and of the people of one other atoll in the
Marshalls to be selected as a comparison population. Medical staff

would be included in the survey team.

Negotiations between the Department

of the Interior, the Department of Energy, and the Government of the
Marshall Islands currently (summer 1980) are underway to accomplish the
carrying out of the screening profile of the poeple of Likiep Atoll.

Select target paragraph3