The final result was that approval of the Act placed a law on
the books which, in effect, could not be implemented.
Each year since 1973,

the Agreement has been renewed,

but there

have been continual misunderstandings and resentment on the

part of the Rongelapese and Utirikese people.

In retrospect, P.L. 5-52 should not have been approved in its
Original form, since obviously the Congress of Micronesia
cannot, by its legislative actions, bind a U.S. Federal Agency
to stipulations laid down by the Congress.
If the original
1973 proposal had been in the form of a general resolution, it

might have been possible to work out an inter-agency agreement
which would have prevented many of the misunderstandings which
have occurred.

Should the House of Representatives also pass SB 107, it is
imperative this time that the key agency concerned, i.e., the
Department of Energy, be given an opportunity to set forth its
views and to explain what is feasible and what is not acceptable before any action iS taken by your office.
Sincerely yours,


Ruth G.

Van Cleve


Office of Territorial Affairs

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