Protocol 1974


Page Three



The pecple to be examined will usually be brought into the examination
area by automobile.
Various Marshallese personnel will assist with interpretation and rouwing for the examinations.

Bill Scott will handle the

administration and routeing of the people for the various examinations.
Each person will be given a routeing sheet which will designate the
various types of examinations to be done.
Routine Exams:

Copies of the previous examinations and/or a

summary of each case will be available.
The history and physical exam
forms have been revised ana copies of the revised forms are attached.
The history will be taken cy a member of the Trust Territory Medical
Personnel yet to be designated,

The examining physicians should refer to

the history and enlarge upon it through the interpreter as indicated.

The physicians carrying out the exams other than the diabetic and genetic

Surveys are:

Drs. Wolff, Larsen, Knudsen and Riklor.

interpret as necessary.

Dr. Riklon will

A complete physical exam will be carried out

including EXG and oscillometric examjnadons on certain cases.
laboratory work will include: complete blood study (WBC, differential
Slides, RBC, platelets, herozlobin, heratocrit, plasma collection for
blood chemistry), urinalyses and microscopic as indicated, chest x rays

and other x rays as indicated.

Cancer: Careful examination for possible maligrancy will include
pelvic exam with Pap smears, rectal exams in all people over 40 years of
age, skin exams, particularly of residual beta burn scars with color
photography as indicated, sputum exams if indicated, x rays as indicated.
Leukemia: The hemogram will be carefully evaluated and differential
smears scrutinized.
Bone marrow exam will be carried out if indicated.
Blood smears for alkaline phosphatase will be returned for analysis by
Dr. Moloney of Boston.
Thyroid: Previous drawings of thyroids with questionable or
positive findings will be available.
From the history careful assessment
of thyroid medication adherence should be evaluated.
This is of paramount

importance in the operate. cases who are nearly all hypothyroid without
Synthroid treatment.
For the thyroid reserve study (see below) all of the
exposed people in that group should be checked to be sure that they have

been off Synthroid treatmenc for the previous 2 months. Thyroid exam
should include a sketch of the gland on the neck drawing on the back of

the physical exam form in those cases where there are positive or questionable


Plasma samples will be obtained routinely for T-4, T-3 and

TSH on all exposed and possibly some control people.


Thyroid Reserve Study: There are 41,Rongelap people now living who
have not developed any signficant thyroid abnormalities. It would be of
advantage to know what the thyroid reserve status is in this group since

it is difficult to maintain a strict treatment regimen and this informaticn

Select target paragraph3