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The 1974 Medical Survey will begin about the middle of March and
will include examinations at Rongelap, Utirik, Bikini, Ebeye and Ma juro.
The Rongelap people, exposed and unexposed, are examined completely
annually, Utirik oeople every 3-4 years.
In addition, following the death
of a 19-year-old exnosed Rongelap boy last year with acute leukemia,
hematological examination in the exposed Rongelap people new takes place
twice a year. On the forthcoming survey the exposed and unexposed Rengclap
people will be examined completely

(except for some of the unexposed

examined recently by Dr. Knudsen, our resident physician in the islands).
The Rongelap and Utirik popelations under study are scattered largely
between their home islands, Ebeye and Majuro, the district center. Visits
te all these islands will therefore be necessary.
Utirik will be visited
for purposes of general health care, radiological monitoring of personnel
and environment, and for a diabetic survey.
Bikini will be visited at the
end of the survey for radiological monitoring of personnel and environment.
Some 50 workmen are there and it is possible that by the time of our survey
some of the Bikini people will have returned.
It is hoped that an LCU will be assigned to the AEC by the Army for
our use for medical visits and radiological surveys in the Marshalls.
If this mterializes we plan on having on the LCU a trailer set up for
whole body counting (lead shadow shielded gamma spectrographic instrument).
Another trailer would have a complete "physicians office" arrangement
including x ray.
This vessel, though slow, could be beached conveniently
hear the villages.
Except 2t Rongelap and Ebeye, we would live aboard the


A “bunker” trailer would be brought on the vessel for sleeping

purposes and an eating facility would be established.

If the LCU is not

furrished we will have to charter a "Trust Territory" cargo vessel,


faster, such a vessel leaves much to be desired.
(I'm sure that those who
have been on previous surveys will say that this is putting it mildly. )

In addition to the routine history, physical examination and laboratory
work, this survey will be highlighted by several other special examinations
including a study cf thyroid reserve in the exposed people who have not had
fabeticsurvey, a genetic study of children of exposed and
mts; and radiological monitoring of personnel and environment
elap and Bikini. The procedures for these examinations
-for doing them will be described below.
extremely fortunate in having Dr. James Field to head up the
diabetic survey and Drs. Reed Larsen and Yon Wolff, the thyroid examinations.
We are also most fortunate in having the cooperation and support from the

Trust Territory, particularly Drs. Kumangai, Iaman and Riklon.

In this brief communication time does not permit a discussion of
background information concerning political trials and tribulations which
Suffice it to say
cur team has had to face during the past several years.
that we are pleased chat certain misunderstandings have been cleared up

and I think we can count on full cocperarion from the Micronesian Conercss
and lecal politicians.
Senacor Q. Borja, who headsup the investigational
committee for the Congress, has been of great help in accomplishing the
improvement in the situation and he may be accompanying us on the survey.
Mr. Bryan Farley, an advisor, may also be along. Mr. William Streenan of


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