Some of the inewetak People eat dogs.

Tney also learned this from Trukese

and Tonapeans while at school on Ponape. The younger people mostly eat dogs.
Other Marshailese do not eat these animals.
The intestines of pigs are eaten by the gnewetak People. They are cleaned

and washed and either boiled or baked. This was learned from people from
Truk and Ponape who had learned to eat vig intestines from Filipinos living
on their islands. The gnewetak People

also learned to eat the heads of pigs.

Previously they had discarded tne heads with the intestines. This is true
for other Marshallese as well. / internal organs: brain, Liver,/and heart
are eaten by the Hnewetak People and the rest of the Narshallese.

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