or time.

ese original attempts to determine strontium-90 in soil, Yor

faliout documentation at least, were not always successful and it is
unfortunate that so many samples were analyzed using incompletely
developed methods.

There has been wide disagreement in results reported

for 2 single sample among several different laboratories.

Before any

past soil data is used, one should be aware of the extraction method

It is the purpose here to present a procedure which has been

Severely tested and the reproducibility and reliability of which has been

It has been shown that other extraction methods remove less

strontium-90 from soil than can be leached with 6 normal hydrochloric

In addition, the direct milking techniques used at one time by

several Isboratories (223) preclude the possibility of obtaining a pure
strontium fraction and thereby evaluating the strontium yleld for each


Furthermore, assay of the initial activity due to yttrium-90

milked from the impw's strontium-90 » requires extrapolation of a decay

curve which may represent contaminating activities due to Ac@28 | pel,

and Pr“1t9, these disadvantages could easily Jead to anomalous and
unreproducible results.


The procedure used at HASL involves the eventual separation of

& pure strontium fraction which, when milked at equilibrium, yields an
yttrium daughter activity which may be positively identified as yttrium-90
by half-life and beta absorption measurements.


There is a loss of

Martell, E.A., The Chicago Sunshine Method, The University of Chicego,


(3) Kulp, J. L., Ecklemann, W. Re, Schulert, A. R., Lamont Sunshine
Coemical Procedures.




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