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not’pursued since it concerned administrative policy of the
Trust Territory.

Some of the other complaints concermed

“poisoning by fish (an old complaint).

They claim that

certain fish have a black spot in their abdomen which they |

believe is related to radioactivity and causes the sickness.)

They are still disgruntied that they are not allowed to eat’
‘ the-coconut crabs which is forbidden because of the high
~ eoncentration of Strontium99. They complained that the
coconuts were small and referred to certain changes in the |
‘eoconut and pandanus trees which they believe are due to


There was a complaint that I had not heard before,

_, that several people hed gotten inflammation and blistering
Of the mouth from eating arrowroot flour... This latter
complaint was probably due to impropét preparation of the
. flour which is knotto “produce such symptoms. I heard no

“mention of the sit agaibst the United States Government.


(Dr. Macdonald bad showed ine @ report of the United Nations;

teani's visit to Rongelap.The complaints voiced to this

-group were about the same as described above. )"

Select target paragraph3