Liatrtuteord ;

RE Crug.» ' Wfabinck: th [ldatiicace

/€4 ul/allah, Bertrallyy,

[¢¢ tyghtark, heWha lod.31)

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(6dipyalidi yo


Mr, Cerard C, Saith

Special dasigtent te the Secretary
Departaant of State





Dear Yo, Suita

Ag you know, the Atomic Enargy Commission accepted the responsibility for periodic survers of the Maraball Islands in connection
with long term. studies of the effects of the March 1 detonation

of the testa held in the Pacific in the Spring, 195k.

the first of these surveys was conducted in Jamary, 1955 under

the joint sporgerahip of the Departeent of the avy, Burean of
Shing and the Atomic Energy Commission ani was made by personnel
of the tnited States Raval Radiclogical fefense Laboratory.

You ware enprised of plane for that survay by letier af
December 22, 1ST.

Arrangements heave been completed with the Department of Navy,

Turese of Ships, for the conduct of the second survey during the

month of February, 1956. ‘This mrvey will be made by personnel
of the USSRDL in company with Dr. ¥. 8, Fosberg of the U. Sa

Geologieal Survey, In addition te the eollection of biological
spociaens and soll samples, it is dsened desirable te obtain
urine scecimens from the people eon the island Utirik in order to
determines if bhusen habitation in an environment of low level

contamination can result in detectable quantities of radioactive
substances in urine,

There is attached for your information a list of atolls to be

visited end the watinated wervey tine to be devoted to each.



This meeerial cogtais, nifeoxmation affectig-the
Natiode! dofeast of thenited States”Within—the|
meanmme of Uh
Oggtn we, ‘bithe isectRSsos°
eas. v8 Ridea vspetistiinSlon or revelebiene
of which ifayetranner t
t o an unauthorized person,

is prohsbittc by now.


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