




F- R09

A further step toward the return of the Bikini people was taken when
the President transmitted a budget request of §

I 20%, s1? cor fiscal year

1970 for the cleanup of the atoll, the construction of housing and a village
center for the first returnees, and the initiation of a replanting program
designed to make the main islands of Bikini and Enyu once again productive.


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“Clean-up will actually begin in the fourth quarter of fiscal year
1969 with the use of $600,000 made available by the Atomic Energy Commission

and the Defemse Department," Secretary Udall stated.

"Funds requested in fiscal

year 1970 are intended to complete the clean-up job and to make major inroads
on the construction and replanting projects."
Secretary Udall has released a resettlement program prepared by the
High Commissioner of the Trust Territory with the assistance of personnel from
the Atomic Energy Commission, the Defense Department and the Department of the

The resettlement program is the direct result of a survey trip made

to Bikini in late August following the President's announcement that the Bikini
people could be returned.

The survey trip was designed to develop basic informa-

tion for planning a resettlement program.
The resettlement of the Bikini people is planned to be phased over a
six-year period, beginning in fiscal year 1970 and costing an estimated $3,000,000
over that period.

The first step, and the largest single cost element, is the

clearing of the atoll and test-related debris and the clearing of scrub vegetatioa
to permit replanting of coconuts and other food and commercial crops.

Six months

are estimated for the clean-up phase at a cost of approximately $1,200,000.



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