Secondary and selected tertiary care wil] be made available within
the hospitals on Majuro and/or Ebeye.

This will require improvement

in the physical plants, equipment, and manpower, but should decrease
the expensive referrals to Hawaii.
The current contract between the Guam-Micronesia Mission of Seventhday Adventists and the Marshall Istand Government will] be continued,
but limited to secondary and tertiary care.

The Seventh-day Adventist

Church has demonstrated competence in hospital management and has
won the confidence of the Marshallese Government.

It would have

difficulty adequately developing and staffing the other components
of the health care system.
Though specific timetables are not developed, the assumption in this

proposal is that the MarshallIslandGovernmentshould push towardself-


This requires a strong emphasis on training

mene pe ee ee ee ee


which is detailed.

Select target paragraph3