RESETTLEMENT OF PEOPLE and housed by the U.S.Navy on Aomon and Bijire Islands in Enewetak Atoll. Excerpt from the United Nations Trusteeship Agreement for the United States Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: Article 6--"In discharging its obtigations under Article 76(b) of the Charter, the administering authority (U.S.) shall: 2. promote the economic advancement and self-sufficiency of the inhabitants, and to this end shall regulate the use of the natural resources; encourage the development of fisheries, agriculture, and industries; protect the inhabitants against the loss of their lands and resources; and improve the means of transportation and communi cation; 3. promote the social advance- 1946 JANUARY Bikini: Washington, D.C. officials select Bikini Atoll for the firse series of nuclear bomb tests and its population of 167 must be moved immediately. FEBRUARY Bikini: One month after the decision was made in Washington, D.C. to use Bikini Atoll for nuclear experiments, the military governor of the Marshalls obtains the consent of Bikini's paramount chief for the relocation of his people. Bikinians, with no alternative, agree to leave their home. ment of the inhabitants, and to this end shall protect the rights and fundamental freedoms of all ? elements of the population without aoe discrimination; protect the health of the inhabitants...” g ) 1944 FEBRUARY Enewetak: United States forces attack and overcome major Japan- . ese fortifications on Enewetak Atoll Aytee . : a” : = — : * . , . aurchaiie eae x i OA FEBRUARY Kwajalein: U.S. forces capture Kwajalein Atoll from the Japanese after heavy fighting. Americans recruit MarShallese to remove battle debris and ww SYDMEY fan Teeay TCRqrUay v THE TRUST TERRITORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS (MICRONESIA) COVERS A LAND AND OCEAN AREA OF THREE MILLION SQUARE MILES. build warehouses, air strips, air craft hangers and other military facilities on Kwajalein Isiand. Families join Marshallese workers at Kwajalein ‘abor camp. Gbl 100s . .. , WONOLELS ° Co Wa we A aeoe we after heavy pre-invasion bombardment in san pow na | ot which some Marshallese are killed. =~ MARCH Bikini: As the Bikinians prepare to leave, approximately 250 naval ships, 180 aircraft for observation and trans- Kwajalein: The world's largest atoll is made up of approximately 93 tiny coral islands that encircle an 839 square mile ocean lagoon. The American military governor informs the Bikinians chat the scientists are experimenting with nuclear bombs "...for the good of mankind and to end all world wars.” The port and thousands of military and sci- entific personnel begin arriving for Total land area of Operation CROSSROADS. 93 islands is only 6.64 square miles. MARCH Bikini: Because the Americans said 1945 Enewetak: The Americans build a runway, barracks, warehouses and other base facilities to carry on the Pacific war. The Enewetak people are fed,clothed § that Bikini would be returned to its people at the conclusion of the tests, the Bikinians believe their move is (continued on page 7)