1979 concinued

ment merchandise, in particular “un-

to northern Enjebi Island poses little
health threat to the people: “Cancer
mortality in the lifetime of the population is estimated to be less than a

authorized retail goods purchased from
the inexpensive Kwajalein stores, found
in Marshallese belongings are confiscated.

single (additional) case."

SEPTEMBER Bikini: The DOE publishes in

"The people of Kwajyalein do not
recognize the validity of that
iease. When it was negotiated, the
Army promised to help the people
of Ebeye with social and economic
So did the Trust Territory.
That lease was signed on
the basis of those promises. Those
promises have not been kept.”
Marshall Islands Representative
Ataji Balos, 1976.

Marshallese and English a full color
booklet entitled: “The Meaning of Ra-

diation at Bikini Atoll.”

OCTOBER Bikini: DOF scientists call a

meeting to present the booklets to the
Tt says
Bikini people living on Kili.

that the exposure of the Bikini people
would be within U.S. radiation stan-

dards if they return to Eneu Istand at

Enewetak: The 200 inhabitants of Enjebi
Island vote to return to their island
in the north,

despite the recommenda-

tion of the representatives of the DOE
and the Interior Department against

to 25 years.

resettlement of Enjebi at this time

The scicntists reply that

‘they have no knowledge of such state-~

because of the higher radiation levels
still present from the ten nuclear tests conducted on the one-third of a
square mile island.


"The population of Enewetak has

the right to know that 4a value

judgement has been made for them,

1980 MARCH Enewetak: The Defense Nu-


that induction of cancer Is

They may, :f
their only concern.
informed about hypothyroidism, aplastic anemia, premature aging,
benign tumors and other such disorders, make a different judge-

clear Agency announces that the Enewetak cleanup is finished.
The total

cost of the cleanup and rehabilitation
(replanting, house construction, etc.)

phases is $218 million.

Bikini, impore 502 of their food and
spend not more than 10% of their time
on Bikini Island.
Then Senator Henchi
Balos asks the DOE scientists why they
now have this position when just two
years ago government officials said
Eneu Island would be off limits for 20


Dr. Rosalie Bertell,

APRIL Enewetak: The entire Enewetak

population returns for ceremonies marking their long awaited return to their

MAY Enewetak: The Enewetak Atoll Master
Plan designates islands within ti:ree
miles of off limits Rumit Island as
safe for picnics and fond gathering.


on the Bender and Brill Enewetak study (see 1979).





with about 500 people moving Ca three
of the southern islands: Medren, Japtan
and Enewectak.

DECEMBER Enewetak: The Interivor Depart-

MAY Kwajalein: The commander of

Kwajalein Missile Range, Colonel Peter
Wittereid, following the recommendation

of the CIA, authorizes Kwajalein secu-

ment urges

the Congress

Co approve and

set aside funds for a resettlement of
Enjebi Island ac a future date when

radiation levels drop to “permissible”

rity police to search Marshallese who
enter and leave Kwajalein, Any govern-


(continued on page 37)


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