1978 concinued
Peter Rosenblatt, agrees to renegotiate

U.S. payments for use of Kwajalein, ending the occupation of the Mid-Corridor

APRIL Kwajalein: A Trust Territoy study,
"Ebeye Redevelopment, Gugeegue and
Carlson Developmenc'’ again reveals serious public heaith hazards on Ebeye:

@ 8,000 people live on just 66 acres,

giving it an extrapolated population
density of 65,000 people per square

mile (compared to Washington, D.C. with
12,400 per square mile);
®Most of the housing is substandard
and deteriorating;

@ 36% of the available work



Bikini "within 75 to 90 days."

JULY Kili: Department of Interior official John DeYoung describes Kili Is-

land's school, community facilities and
homes as being “awfully shabby." Be-

cause Kili has been considered the Bikinians temporary home since 1948, Little money has been appropriated for upkeep and maintenance of houses, or for

building permanent community facilities.

SEPTEMBER Bikini: Trust Territory officials arrive at Bikini to re-evacuate
the 139 people living on the atoll.


Bikini: The Northern Marshalls radiolo-


1975 lawsuit,

@® More chan 50% of the veopie are
14 vears old;

@ The Ebeye Hospital is “in poor con-

dition" and "equipment, supplies and

staffing are also maior problems...;
@ The electrical power plant “svstem is severely limited and results in
numerous brownoucs....'

Kwajalein: The American population on
Kwajalein Island is estimared ac 3,000.
The amenities provided for che Americans include air conditioned housing, 4
hospital staffed bv seven medical doctors, a high school, czennis and handball courts, swimming pools, parks, 23

goif course, bowling allev, teen club
and free movies.


nounces plans to move the people from

Kwajalein: Ebeye has one basket bali
court and a baseball field, and no
other recreational facilities. to gain.
access to Kwajalein, Marshallese must
obtain a visitors pass issued in limited numbers‘for business purposes,


as going to the airport, bank or Trust
Territory office.

Bikini: Medical examinations reveal radiation levels in many of the 139 people on Bikini well above the U.S. maxi-

mum ‘permissible’ level.

MAY Bikini: Incerior Department officials describe the 75% increase in ra-

dioactive cesium found in the people as
“tneredible."” Interior Department an-

Mees 31

gical survey, forced by the Bikinians'
is finally begun, after

the people are relocated from Bikini.

Kwajalein: An annual Intertor Department report states: ‘No segregation...
exists in the Trust Territory in either
the public or the non-public schools.
Children of any race, religion or color
may attend any the Trust


Marshallese living on Ebeve

cannot send their children to high
school on Kwajalein, however, even

though Ebeve doesn't have one.

"On Culy 4th, 2976, only a matter of hours after 7.T.Acting High
Commissioner Peter Coleman had fin-

ished telling the United Nations

Trusteeship Council Chere was no
segregation at Kwajalein (a statement he would not dare make on
Ebeye), the command of Kwajalein
Missile Range celebrated the Americon Bicentennial by closing Kwajalein Island to any Marshallese
.«-SO American Independence was
celebrated at Kwajalein Atoll by
enforcement of all out and total
Congress of Micronesia Representative Ataji Balos, July,

(continued on page 33)

Select target paragraph3