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1978 continued
"The theory was put forth that
Utirik received low radiation so
a detailed follow up was not necessary.
Now the facts of the thyroid cancer at Utirik have strongiy shown that the theory was wrong.
The people ask if this thuroid
probiem has suddenly occurred, is
it not possible that the experts
have been wrong for so many years
and that more problems will occur
in the future?”
Konrad Kotrady,M.D., a former

Brookhaven resident physician
in the Marshall Islands.


MAY Rongelap/Utirik: Nelson Anjain, Li-

jon Eknilang and Almira Matayoshi from
Rongelap, Norwan Matthew from Utirik
and Alvin Jacklick from Kwajalein, take

part in the Nuclear Free Pacific Conference/1980 in Hawaii. The conference
endorses proposals for supporting and

carrying out a medical survey itndependend of the Brookhaven (DOE) program.

MAY Northern Marshalls: The U.S. Congress
approves Public Law 96-205, directing
the Secretary of the Interior to provide
@ medical program for the people of Bikini, Enewetak, Rongelap, Utirik and any

ether islands who may be found to be

suffering from radiation related ill-

SEPTEMBER Northern Marshalls: A radio-


Tslands, forced by the Bikinians' 1975

JULY Northern Marshalls: An American

logical survey of the Norrhern Marshall

lawsuit, begins with Lawrence Livermore
Laboratory scientists (en contract with

the DOE) collecting soil, water and

food samples.

medical doctor, Reuben Merliss, ae
inthe Marshall Islands for two weeks,

terviewing and informally examining
people from different atolls. He re~

ports: "The:people...have no great

1979 FEBRUARY Rongelap: Following

completion of the Northerm Marshalls

radiological survey, DOE scientists warn

Rongelap people not to visit or gather
food on the northern islands in their
atoll because of

unsafe radiation



MAY Kwajalein: Marshall Islands Government representatives, during a Defense
Department briefing in washington, D.C.
learm that missiles fired into Kwajalein lagoon contain radioactive uranium.

1980 APRIL Rongelap: John Anjain and

Julian Riklon from Rongelap participate
in the firse Citizens’ Hearings for Ra-

diation Viccims in Washington, D.C. The
Hearings provide an opportunity for ex-

change among and publicity for radiation
victims, including: military veterans
exposed to nuclear testing, nuclear
power workers, miners and others exposed

to uranium, and civilians exposed to N-

testing near the Nevada Test Site.

. Photo by Robert Wenkam.


(continued on page 30)
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