1969 JANUARY Ujelang: USDA feeding pro-

“removal of all test related debris

JANUARY Kwajalein: The Congress of Mi-

The three dump sites are
located less than one mile from islands
in the atoll.

cronesia again "supports the griev-

ances of the Mic-Corridor and supports
their efforts to return to their is-


The COM votes to send a re-

with disposal at sea of all radioactive

OCTOBER Bikini: The cleanup phase is

The phase two rehabiltcation

encounters serious problems with the

presentative to accompany the neople
if they attempt to return in defiance

of che lease agreement.

withdrawal of military personnel and
equipment and the end of weekly air
service to Kwajalein.

APRIL 21 Kwajalein: Mid~Corridor resi-

Bikini: Following the limited radiolo-

tum to the High Commissioner demanding
that the U.S. compensate all the vseople
and allow them access to their isianas

and we can find no discernible effect

dents living on Ebeye issue an ultima-

for food growing, or they will return

to their islands without permission.
The Arwy and Trust Territory govern-

ment believe the Marshallese are bluffing and ignore the warming.

gical cleanup, Bikini is declared safe
for reoccupation.
The AEC states:

“There's virtually no radiation left

on either plane or animal life."

Kwajalein: Of 669 Mid-Corridor landown-

"Y was disturbed by the ‘demand’
of the immediate commitment of all
agencies, all funding and all personnel by January 721.
JI am sure

ers who had voted to return,

you must realize that such a time-

21 protest

with a sail~in to their islands, reportedly forcing cancellation of «wo missile
test operations.
Rwajalein: Promising action to negotiate
their demands, the Trust Territory re-

turns the 31 Mid-Corridor people to

Ebeye, after six days of illegal scccupying their islands.

AUGUST 19 Ujelang: Protests of the Ene-

wetak people stimulate the U.S.


to provide a trust fund of $1.02 million

to try to stop their efforts to retum

to Enewetak.

Bikini: The Bikini cleanup and reset-

tlement is planned to extend over a

period of eight years to allow for maturation of coconuts and other crops.
cry Atomic Energy Commission and Defense De-

c> Partment plan the first phase: cleanup
co of radioactive debris on Bikini. The
— Trust Territory government assumes re-

m> sponsibility for the second phase: re—- planting the atoll, constructing houses

MO and relocating the community.

Bikini: The radiation cleanup includes


table 1s unrealistic...I
concerned as anyone, but
going to be stampeded or
by a January 21 deadline

am as much
I am not
or strike

High Commissioner Norwood's re-

sponse to proposal for action
on the Ujelang crisis, i969.

1970 FEBRUARY Ujelang: Ujelang repre-

sentatives have a series of meetings
with Trust Territory officials in Sai-

pan to'work out agreements on requests
for Ujelang. The people are assured
funds for permanent housing if it is
determined within the next five years
that a return to Enewetak is not possible.

MARCH Kwajalein: Untreaced sewage 1a
piped directly into the lagoon near

A Trust Territory health report stacea: ''...The shoreline water

is grossly polluted; most of the san

ple pointes being over one million times
the least acceptable standard set by

Cuam. re

(continued on page 23)


gram for Ujelang is authorized to begin
with shipment from Saipan on January i6.

Select target paragraph3