petition the Congress of Micronesia
(COM), soliciting aid in "righting a
grave injustice done’ by the U.S. government. Only 194 our of 1,470 MidCorridor landowners are eligible for
compensation, amounting to $40 a month.
The petition states: "Electric bills
and house rentals exceed $40 each month
and already some of us have been threat-

food within two weeks.

NOVEMBER 3 vjelang:

Tne supply ship

returns with food.

DECEMBER Ujelang: After receiving information on the Ujelang crisis, the

High Commissioner sets up a Rehabilitation Committee with one coordinator
in Saipan and one in Majuro.

ened with evicrion...Anyone bor since

the relocation is not considered eligi-

Ujelang: The people send thanks to
members of the Ebeye protestant chapel

ble for compensation...’

The Marshal-

lese poinc out that they were accustom

and to the Rongelap people for providing them with clothing during the cri$is on Ujelang.

ed to growing food on the "off-limits"

vjelang: A rat conrtrel srogram for Vie-

Kwajalein: The Congress o: Micronesia
responds with a resolution requesting
the Hien Commissioner to reopen negotiarions on the amount of compensation

islands, not possible on overcrowded

-ang is set up using donations of £300
‘rom visiting Americans to pay a bounty

of 5¢ per rat to Ujelang people who

Sring in dead rats to be tallied.

for the Mid-Corridor people.

SEPTEMBER Ujelang: The Marshall Islands

vjeiang: The annual charity ¢rive colsection by Americans working on Enewetak is given to the Trust Territory

Nitijela (legislature) passes Resolution 16, addressed to the President of
the Uniced States, the Trusteeship
Council and others, concerning the
present conditions on Uielang and the
need for discussion to set a date for
the Ujelang people to retum to Enewetak.

zor Ujelang relief.

1968 JUNE 1 Ujelang: Five Ujelang leaders

petition the United Nations Trus-

teeship Council to help them set a date
zor the return of Enewetak Atoll to
zneir people.

OCTOBER vielang: The peopie report they

JUNE Ujelang: The people request that

have left only 14 pounds ct rice and

$150,000, yielding about $16 per person

3 weeks.

their Trust Fund be increased.

flour per person which will

[It is

edible pandanus.


Ufelang representa-

tives to the Nitijela say that if conditions "are not improved on Ujelang
Atoll by January 1969, they will all

Bikini: President Lyndon Johnson pro-

mises the 540 Bikinians living on Kili
and other islands a permanent return to
Bikini after the AEC concludes: "The

get on a ship,

come to Majuro and camp

in front of the administration building."

exposures to radiation thar would result from the repatriation of the Biki-

NOVEMBER 20 Ujelang: The people are out

ni people do not offer a significant
threat to their health and safety."

of flour, rice, sugar and other import-

The recenc measle and chicked foods.
en pox epidemic was very serious and

AUGUST Ujelang: The announcement that

ten deaths resulted.

Bikini will be returned to its people

The people are

still waiting for materials for repair

causes deep resentment among the Enewetakese, who protest because they also

and replacement of houses and community

wish to return to their ancestral home.


Kwajalein: The Mid-Corridor landowners

last only

They have no breadfruit or


(continued on page 22)

wr mer ee ee

1967 continued

Select target paragraph3