


1958 continued.
Atomic Energy Commission's nuclear ex-

zo0n becomes an ‘impact area” for incoming Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBM's) shot from Vandenberg Air
Force Base in California.

periments at Bikini and Fnewerak, she
importance of the Kwatalein Navy >ase


The Navy places it on the

nilitary base surplus list.

1960 Kwajalein: An “impact area" for

"..- Several of my babies who
were healthy at the time they were
born died before they were a year
Oold...Altogetner I lost four babies.
My son Winton was born just

incoming missiles is established, extending from the southern tip of Kwaja-

tein Atoll southwest 50 miles to Lib Island, whose inhabitants must be relocated.

one year after the bomb, and he
has had two operations on his
throat for thyroid cancer.”
Minji Kel,

Kwajalein: Radar, technical buildings,
missile assembly and missile launching

Utirik Atoll.

facilities are built on Kwajalein Is-


1959 Rongelap: The Zongelap reocie
are warned by Brookhaven scientists not
co eat the plentiful coconut crabs, considered a delicacy in the Marshails. tecause of high radiation ievels.
other restrictions are siaced on ‘food

AWajalein: The Navy tase’s .Mportance
re-emerges as it is chosen as the test*.
ing site for the Nike-ceus ancti-missiié
missile tests; Roi Namur Island ‘in tne

Related radio receiving/trans-

aitting equipment and living quarters
sre constructed on Gugeegue and Ennylabegan islands, located on opposite sides

or the lagoon about 8 miles north ats


“wajalein: A major radar installation,
computer buildings and a launching site
for firing missiles are constructed on
Roi Namur Island, 40 miles north of
swajalein Island.


northern sart of Kwaialein Atoll) is

selected aS a center for studying mis
Sile re-entry characteristics; and ine
Naval Station is renamed “Pacific Mis-


Kwajalein: The first Zeus mis-

sile is test fired from Kwajalein.


>s being developed to destroy incoming

Siie Range Facliity *waiaiein.”

enemy missiles.

Enewetak: In support of Xwajalein's

Pacific Missile Range, Znewetak's la-

1962 JULY Kwajalein: A Zeus missile
successfully intercepts, for the first
time, an ICBM shot from Vandenberg Air
Force Base.

1963 Rongelap: The first thyroid
tumors begin appearing among the Rongelap people exposed in 1954.
Also, a
higher than normal incidence of growth
retardation among young Rongelapese is



Kwajalein: The prime user of

(continued on page 18)


Select target paragraph3