pPaesaseeeesseeeees WEAPONS TESTING

BS SSeS ee SSeS ewe

1954 concinued
the Utirik people

after S5ravo,


evacuated by a Navy LCU.

MARCH 5 Kwasalein: Many of the exsosed

people from Rongelap, Rongerik and Utirik, evacuated to the Kwajalein Navy

tase, continue experiencing symptoms of
severe radiation exposure: itching and
Durning of the skin, eves and mouth,
nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
The ma- Sority of the Rongelap people and she
-8 Americans suffer from skin burns on
their necks, arms and feet and loss of

Sody and scalp hair beginning abour
two weeks after their exposure.

MARCH Japan: Two weeks after their exposure,

the [ishermen on the "Lucxy

Uragon' arr:ve in Japan. Within a

snort cime, the radio operator is <‘eaa
of leuxemia, and other crew members are
tll. Within two years the Japanese
government receives $2 million in -:cnmrensations Irom the U.S. governmen: isr

the ‘Lucky Iragon's' exposure.

mediately ceased.

if the experiments...

should be judged adsolutely necessary
for the eventual well being of all peo-

sle of this world...all possible pre-

Cautionary measures to be taken (and)

all human beings and their valuable
possessions be transported to safe dis-

tances before such explosions occur...”
“The first shot (Bravo) has

been variously described as devastating, out of control and with
other exaggerated and mistaken
JI do not wish
to minimize it...but at no time
was the testing out of control.”
Admiral Lewis Strauss, U.S.AEC,
dat a Washington, D.C. press

conference after the "Bravo"


APRIL United Nations: The Trusteeship

Council approves a resolution in response to the Marshallese petition sup-

>orting continued U.S. nuclear testing,

“When we arrived on Kwajalein

we Startec setting burns all cver
wr tod:es and people were feelin:
fizzy and weak,...After two caus
something actpeared under mu


rernmaics ans wien mu fingernails
came crf anc mu fingers bled.
a.n 140
2n our sars, snoulcers, neces and feet and our eyes

were very sore."

Sery Enos, Rongelap Atoll.



MARCH 27 Bikini: Following the Bravo

test, the otf limits zone around S8ikini
aS enlargec eight times. The area includes the inhabiced atolls of Rongelap,
Utirik, vjelang and Likiep. No islanders are ever evacuated before
c@ases, mowever.


APRIL 20 Uniced Nations: 11] Marshailese, clected and traditional leaders

irom more than 10 atolis, petition the

United Nations Trusteeship Council re-

questing that “all the experiments with
See re is within this area be im-

but requesting that added safety precautions be taken and urging the U.S.
"2 compensate the Marshallese for loss
22 land.

APRIL 26 Zikini: Ailinginae, Rongelap

and Rongerik Atolls are contaminated
with radioactive falicut from che Union
‘est ac Bikini Atoll.
The yield of

zhis bomb remains classified information

MAY 5 Bikini: Ailinginae, Bikar, Rongelap and Rongerik Atolls are contaminated with radioactive fallout from che
Yankee test at Bikini Atoll.
The yield
of this bomb remains classified information.

MAY 16 Rongerik: The 28 Americans
evacuated from Rongerik are pronounced

fic, and released for active duty after
medical examinations at Kwajalein and
Tripler Hospital in Hawaii.
They re-

ceive no further medical follow up dessite their exposure to at least 78 rads
of whole body radiation.

(continued on page 12)

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