

truc for the case we are considering, thet Taong! will be ueed for lerce shots.


Qux best opirion is that operations in the Daongi area will be con

Gucted in a fashion similar to Bikini operations in the Intter part of Castle
but modified by a fev impertant differences between the tive locations.


Concept of Jeong? Operations
Our conclusions up to this point are:

first, thet Teong! operations will

be ship-besel; an& second, that Teongi cperations will be of the emre general

character unter all three of the situations proposed in II.

The qualifications

on this second ccaclusion is that the number of shote scheduled for maongh would
undoubtedly oc larger if the Bikini site were restricted cr abandoned as a firing

fhere ia also a qualificetion on the first conclucion in that there are
basically two weve in which to carry out 4 ship-based operation. In both cages 2

the suppors faelzities eve eflect and the firing system is efient.

The difference |

in thet in 6128 ears, the major diagnostic inetrumenitetion is dene remotely, from
a@ ahip in the fashion of certain of the Ivy Kike experiments (fireball, timee

interval), etd in the other, the mje: instyusentaticon is Gane ashore in the
fashion cezried out on Caustic shots fixed sexth of Yurochi.

Whother the tests are

performed on: way op the other depend: upon the adequacy of the renote instrumene
tation to provide the desired experinental Gaeta.
Yhougt the tre mocea of conducting the experiments do not alter the basic

nature of th: aezebesed oneration, they do lead to variations Im deteil.

We have

investigated the implications of these variations arising from the differences in
mode of experinentation as wel}, as the

ications of the variations in the gene.

val nature of the operetion arising from the differences vetyicen Paongi and Bikini.

Ve asied Kr. Joe 3B. Sanders of ALGO to obtein from the ASC enginesring and
consizuction contrcector, Holees end Barver, Inc., estimates of th: manpower,

tine end money required to provide whet we termed the minima end the raximun



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