

will be adequate for disgnosis of the five shots with yields greater than 5 Mf but
we do know that, by putting in 4 shore installation at Taongi, we may discontinue

the see-baccd expability at Bikini and reduce the number of shote scheduled for

Since we have sesumed the availability of Teengi ve would in this case

recomend the following distribution:

five shots >5 Mi at Taongi; the reminder

(20 shota} divided about equally betwean Enivetek and Bikini.

Shere is presently no amsll-shot facility at Bikini, but the Eninean
eomplex is veli-suited lor this use.

Adequate berge-shot facilities exist at

the north enf of both Entwetok and Bikini atolls.


Situation 2
In this second ceac, a restviction has been pleced om Bikini such as

to prohibit the firing of shots which could produce objectionable radiological
conditions on atolis outside the RFG. Such a limitation means that either the
yield or th: manner of firing must be adjusted to produce eseantially no fallout
outside the ERG danger arca,

In the case of our generalized operation shots in

excess of about $0 ET my not be fired on towers or on the surface at Bikini.

fhere are therefore at least about half of the ehots to be Tired either at Tacngi
or at Enfweick.

Ten of these are larger than 1 NI.

Sn this eirenmstance, we would recomend the following distribution:

Kost of the shote satisfying the Bikini restriction should be

scheduled there.


Five shots larger than 5 Mf ave scheduled for Taongi.


Two or three ef the shots between 1 MT and 5 MI are schodulied


The remining shots are scheduled for Enivetok.

for Taongi.
Tn this cease, 1t is desirable to establish tuo smilleshot facilities
at Bikint in orger to permit sosewbet freer use a? the Enivetek site for larger
or more adifficuls
ee |



Select target paragraph3