ties of approximately + 40% of the mean was observed in adult

Internal dose equivalent distributions in figures one

through three were constructed by first calculating mean daily activity ingestion rates for different subgroups of the Bikini Island
population based on the individual measurement data from which Tables

1, 2, and 4 were derived.

Secondly, these mean activity ingestion

rates and individual residence interal values we used as input data
to mathematical models applied to inhabitants who did not participate
in our personnel monitoring programs.
gimes for the uptake,

The models describe various re-

retention and excretion of internally deposited

Finally, dosimetric models which allow for constant

continuous uptake of 906, and stepwise increasing uptake for 13765
were chosen to determine the internal dose equivalent and dose equiva~
lent commitment for all inhabitants.
tween the years

1969 and


Thus for residence periods be-

these figures evince a maximally ex-

posed person receiving a whole body dose equivalent and commitment of

3 rem, and a population average dose equivalent and commitment of 1.2
rem from man-made radioactivity on Bikini Island.

N. Greenhouse
R. Miltenberger

Safety and Environmental
Protection Division

Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton, New York


Wa 50k


Select target paragraph3