TG 7.1 will keep TG 7.5 informed of departures to the Pacific

Proving Ground by forwarding one copy of travel orders on each

TG 7.1 individual proceeding to the Pacific Proving Ground for

notification to the State Department Passport Division. Notification of departure of TG 7,] personnel from the forward area will
also be forwarded to TG 7.5 for similar notification to the State
Department of returns from the forward area,
In coordination with CJTF SEVEN and CTG 7.1, and based on
classification of areas as established by the JTF Classification
Officer, will designate the classified TG 7.1 and TG 7.5 areas at

Eniwetok and Bikini Atolls, and will design access control and

badge systems at the Pacific Proving Ground to include access
controls to all operational islands and exclusion areas.


Provide TG 7.1 with policy material and operational detail to
permit TG 7.1 to operate a program of security indoctrination
for their personnel within the ZI, taking cognizance of CJTF
policy on security indoctrination.


Provide security indoctrination for all TG 7.5 personnel and
perform a similar function for TG 7.1 personnel |at the forward



During the overseas phase of operations maintain liaison with
other security agencies such as FBI, AEC Headquarters, SFOO,

and JTF SEVEN relative to security violations and derogatory


information involving personnel of TG 7.1 and 7.5 amounting to
deviation from AEC security policies.
Secure JTF security departure statements for TG 7.1 and 7.5

personnel at time of their departure from the forward area fol-

lowing the completion of a test operation.


In toordination with interested Task Groups establish shipment
security plans and courier plan, and recommend to CJTF the
military guard requirements (including guard communications
requirements) for TG 7.1 and TG7.1 operations at the Pacific

Proving Ground.


Conduct security surveys of AEC interests at the Pacific Proving Ground in coordination with SFOO.


Delineate responsibilities of the civilian guard force at the Pacific Proving Ground.


Evaluate sabotage potential at the Pacific Proving Ground.


Justify and initiate requests for construction of fences, special
lighting,;“and other appropriate physical security safeguards

at the Pacific Pr CUTE SEVES and coordinate such requirements

with CTG 7.1 and ‘CJ
LANL, J-Div.

SEVEN.Subsequently monitor installation



Select target paragraph3