0" 3d


5. Building 415, The purpose of this building was for temporary storage
-of nuclear components. It was a reinforced concrete structure, 21'-4"
x 25'-4" x 12'-6 1/2" average height surrounded by a sloping earth
berm to the full height of the building and having diagonal wing walls
for protection of the entrance,
6. Structure 419, This structure was the barge slip. It consisted of a


sheet-steel pile enclosed earth-filled mole, 81'-8"' wide by 86'-8"

7. In addition to the foregoing buildings, a number of 8-man tents were
erected for temporary offices, working space and storage. Because
the Assembly Area was designated as an "Exclusion Area", it was

completely surrounded by a security fence. A salt water well was
constructed within the area to augment the normal water supply in
case of fire.


In December 1952, when the construction requirements for test and supporting facilities in the Eberiru-Rojoa area became firm, the radiation levels
in that area, due to previous tests, were such as to require decontamination
measures in order to preclude over-exposure of personnel, In the area of
the Eberiru crater, shown in Figure 32 (March 1953), the radiation level at
this time was 50 to 95 mr/hr, necessitating close Rad-Safe control over all
personnel required to work there. The radiation level at Rojoa was such
that men could not be based ashore, and therefore an LCU fitted out as a
houseboat was used to quarter and subsist the personnel.

The most satisfactory method for decontamination of ground areas was

the removal of all vegetation and the ground surface to a depth depending on

the radiation level. Near the Eberiru crater as much as 12 inches of the
earth was removed. The crater was filled and compacted with 77,490 cu.
yds. of earth.





long to which were connected two creosoted pile finger piers, each
20'-0" x 132'-0" and separated 40 ft. to form the barge slip. Along
the piers were laid the rails for the gantry crane, which had a capacity of 25 tons and a 37 ft. hook lift. Both sides of the slip as well as
the slip proper were dredged to permit berthing of three barges at
the same time.

For the campsite on Rojoa, approximately 53,785 sq. yds. were cleared

to a depth of about three inches, then approximately 24,775 sq. yds. were
backfilled with uncontaminated coral to a depth of about two inches.

Due to baving to quarter and subsist all personnel at Bikini Atoll afloat
following BRAVO, it became necessary to provide a floating decontamination

station for personal needs. This was accomplished by fitting out a 500-ton


NL, 5-Diy,

Select target paragraph3