




Planning estimates are based on Holmes & Narver Pacific Test Division
performing the work under existing AEC Contract AT(29-2}-20. This
cleanup and site preparation work is to be cornpleted prior to commencement of other planned or phased activities.
Contractor work force will be made un of (1) supervisors and craitsemen
hired trom the Mainland and Hawaii, and (2) Trust Territory intcrorcters,
supervisors and laborers. The TT personnel will be Umited to working
on Bikini and Eneu. Cost of labor included in estimate.
54-hour workweek for contractor and

TY personnel.

MAC airlift will be used for contractor vcrsonnel rnovement from Hickam
tO Havel and return. DOD will be used for airlift of contractor personnel
irom Eawej to Eneu end return. Cost included in estimate.
Trust Territory to furnish surface transportation from Kwaj (Mainland

and Hawaii employees} and points of origin within TT (TT employees) to
Eneu at beginning of job and for resupply once every 30 days for approxi-+
mately six months duration, TY to furnish surface trensportation for
return of TT ernployees. Spon arrival at Eneu at beginning of job, the

ship will be required to standby for approximately five days until
camp is established. Cost not incle ded in estirmate.

MAC and DOD to furnish airlift from HAPS to Kwaj and from Kwaj to

Eneu on a weekly or 10-day basis for fresh produce, supplies, and mail.
Cost not included in estimate. ~
DOD to furnish emergency air evacuation from Eneu to Kwaj,
Cost not included in estimate.

ii r cuir

Existing Assembly Building or Mess Hail on Eneu will be used for temporary
camo. in addition, the camo will concist of tents anda “porta-camp' type
latrine- anc galley. Cost of latrine and silley
included in estimate.

Revised 9/235]'58

Select target paragraph3