Greenhouse to Brown -2- March 23, 1979 Both the BNL medical trailer and the whole body counting (WBC) trailer are installed adjacent to the T.T. hospital building complex at Majuro. This location should be quite satisfactory for our May visit; however, there are two problems with the WBC trailer which warrant attention. These are multiple roof leaks and the inability to flush the toilet (probably due to insufficient water pressure), We brought these problems to the attention of T.T. Public Works in Majuro, but some followup will surely be required to insure their correction by May. Also, we hope to do whole body counting on our mid-August to mid-September field trip to the northern atolls. Considering the poor condition of the present WBC trailer, and the likelihood that Majuro-based personnel monitoring activities will continue for another year or so, I would appreciate your further pursuit of the air conditioned transportainer idea for a replacement mobile WBC facility. It would also be very helpful if about 700 surplus clean lead bricks could be located at Enewetak or Kwajalein for this facility. If arrangements cannot be made for a new WBC trailer, we should plan on having the Majuro~based trailer moved to Kwajalein by early July for renovation (if that is possible). Any assistance which your offices can render will be sincerely appreciated. With best regards, aon N. A. a Greenhouse Project Director, BNL Marshall Islands Radiological Safety Program NAG/slg Enclosure cc: A. Hull E. Lessard T. McCraw (DOE/OES) R. Miltenberger JOS 1549