January ll,




‘(SBEREP} Exchange of Information with the British

in Connection with its Megaton Weapons Trials

Scheduled for the Spring of 1957

1. This office has a requirement to obtain the maximum
amount of information on the U.K, megaton weapons scheduled _
to be tested in the spring of 1957.
In order to have the best
chance of meeting this requirement, AFOAT~1 is in the process
of exploring with the U.K, Task Force the possibility of

obtaining certain important information and assistance which

would greatly enhance the possibility of a successful

2, The information required from the U,K, is in part of
the following type:
a, time schedules for shots,

location of ground gero,

c, location of restricted arcas,
a. actual timing signals during the bomb run, ete.

The assistance required from the British is in part:
& approval to operate a measurement station on
an island in the vicinity of the restricted area,

b, scheduling of flights of U.S, sampling aircraft
in and near the vicinity of the restricted area, etc.
3. In return it is anticipated that the British may
request copies of seismic, acoustic and electromagnetic recordings obtained on the British megaton shots, as well as

permission to visit the station where these measurements are


As you know the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 controls

information concerning atomic energy programs of other nations,
except such information as may be removed from the Restricted

Data category by the joint determination of the AEG and the
Director of Central Intelligence under Section li2e,
In the

ease of data on U.K, nuclear tests no action under Section lize

has been taken, Data on such tests including seismographic,
acoustic and electromagnetic records, therefore, are Restricted
4, AFOAT-1 proposes to give the U.K, copies of the

recordings obtained on the U.K, weapons trials in the spring of
1957 as well as additional information concerning the equipment

on which this data was obtained,


Furthermore, AFOAT~1 wishes

to invite British technicians in the area to visit field

Stations where the seismic, electromagnetic and acoustic data

are recorded.

AFOAT~1 does not propose to give the U.K. the

B.C, 12868, Geo. 2.6

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