



arrowroot plant blight, which is presently found throughout

the Marshalls,

increase in breadfruit tree parasite infestation, and
body pain or any other symptom that could not be explained.

The result has been that our efforts and services to the Marshallese have
been misunderstood, our best explanations have not been believed, in l?rge


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part due to education and language barriers only vaguely comprehen ed.



24 years, the people still believe that their individual islands or atolls
contain dangerous levels of radioactivity (which they for lack of an adequate
word in Marshallese, refer to as “poison”) and despite explanations to the

they are still concerned about eating island produce.

This situa-

tion has been further complicated because the islanders are culturally hesitant
to speak of unpleasant thoughts, they do not response to questions readily
upon interrogation, and’they do not often reveal their fears and inner thoughts
at public meetings.
Early Educational Efforts
Recognizing the

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Select target paragraph3