(EM) educator could restrict his/her presence to the field visits, while the
health educator could cover for the environmental monitoring educator during
the interim.
The thrust of the EM program would be to present to the Marshallese the
concepts of radiation, such as the radioactive element, the way radiation
interacts with living things, what the program is doing on the island, the----~~
. .


type of analysis made on the island, and in the U. S., what the results are
and what the results indicate.

It would also explain why scientists change

their statements with time, the importance of Federal standards on radiation,
and how they come about using them in reference to their living on the island.
Eventually, such a program should be able to establish a two-way dialogue
that will lead to an informed educational perspective on the nature of the
radiation problem as well as the endeavors of the U. S. Government in the
interest of the Marshallese.

A preliminary ‘in residence’ educational program indicates that a combined
presentation of the environmental (radiological) and medical educational programs to the Marshallese should:



-clear the misunderstandings that radiation is not a poison, that it


to recognize and to measure with the instruments used by scientists,



serve to minimize groundless fears and to assure the people that

through discussions they can learn to express their concerns and to expect
to receive meaningful answers,

prepare them to help make a decision, based on “informed consent”,

living on an island where radioactivity will continue to exist far
beyond their life expectancy,

give them an identifiable forum for interacting with the various



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