no connotation of absolute measurements

but only of relative measurements. The

freezing point of a pure solvent is, in
effect, that temperature at which a liquid
phase and a solid phase can coexist
without change of mass of the individual

phases. The freezing point of a solution is that temperature at which a
solid, pure-solvent phase can coexist
with a liquid-solution phase without
change of mass of the individual phases.
The difference between these two temperatures is the freezing-point depression. In other words, the temperature

of a solution and of the pure solvent must
be decreased below the freezing point of
the pure solvent in order to establish
equilibrium with respect to the solvent

between the solvent in the solution and

solvent in the pure solid phase. Similar
remarks apply to boiling point elevation.
Osmotic pressure is then simply the pressure increment that must be imposed
on a solution in order that pure solvent

phase and solution phase, separated by an
appropriate barrier permeable only to the
solvent, can coexist without change of

mass of the individual phases. In other
words, osmotic pressure as a pressure dif-

ference is similar to the freezing-point
depression and to the boiling-point elevation.
This should provide an adequate nega-

tive answer to the often asked question:

“Does osmotic pressure exist as such in

a solution?” A negative answer is also

provided from the derivations we have
given. It may be pointed out, in addition,
that Gibbs referred to the “so-called os-

motic pressure” and indicated clearly that

the pressure calculated by the laws of

Boyle, Charles, and Avogadro for the
solute in the space occupied by the solu-

tion was calculated and not experimen-

tally found (/0). Pressure can be measured ina single phase, just as temperature

can. But just as the determination of

bardment pressure of solute molecul
against an impermeable barrier w:

eventually be abandoned.

References and Notes

1. J. H. Hildebrand, Science 121, 116 (1955).
2. J. D. Babbitt, ibid, 122, 283 (1955).


We gratefully acknowledge the support pr
provided by the Life Insurance Medical R
search Fund and by the U.S. Atomic Ener:
Commission [contract AT(30-1)-1394] for i
vestigations related to this problem.
4. F. P. Chinard, G. J. Vosburgh, T. Enns

Am, J. Physiol, 183, 221 (1955).
5. J. W. Gibbs, Trans. Conn. Acad. Arts Sci.
108, 343 (1878).

freezing point or boiling point requires

the coexistence of two phases, so does
the determination of osmotic pressure re-


sion and bviling-point elevation; there is

One does not subtract freezing-point
depression from the actual temperature
of a solution to calculate an “effective


quire the coexistence of two phases (//).

temperature.” No more should one sub-

tract osmotic pressure from the actual
pressureof a solutionto calculate an “effective pressure.”
It is recognized, as Haldane pointed

out a number of years ago (/2), that the

concept of osmotic pressure as something
which exists in solutions even when no
external pressure is applied is firmly entrenched, It is hoped, nonetheless, that
this discussion may help to clarify the

meaning of osmotic pressure and that the

concept of osmotic pressure as the bom-

W. M. Clack, Topics in Physical Che mistr
A supplementary text for students of med
cine (Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore, Md

ed. 2, 1952).
F. P. Chinard, J. Chem. Educ, 32, 377 (1955

E. A. Guggenheim, Thermodynamics. A
advanced treatise for chemists and physicis
(Interscience, New York, 1949).

9. F. PL Chinard, J. Chem. Educ. 31, 66 (1954

J. W. Gibbs, previously unpublished fragmer
in The Collected Works of J, Willard Gibb
Vol. I. Thermodynamics. (Yale Univ. Pres
New Haven, Conn., 1948), p. 419.
1. The equilibrium condition under which o
motic pressure is determined is frequent]
referred to as a membrane orpartial equilit
rium: equilibrium obtains with respect ¢t
the solvent but not necessarily with respec
to the solutes. Similarly, freezing-point an
boiling point equilibria are partial equilibria
equilibrium is established with respect to th
solvent but act necessarily with respect to th
solutes. The phase boundaries in these deter
minations are analogous to the semipermeabl
membsanes used in determinations of osmoti
pressure: it is assumed that the solutes canno
enter the pure solvent phases.
12. J. S. Haldane, Gases and Liquids. A contribu
tion to molecular physics. (Oliver and Boyc
Edinburgh, Scotland, 1928), p. 159.

simultaneously and have only the station
with rain note the presence of the par
ticles overhead. The

World-Wide Travel of
Atomic Debris
L. Machta, R. J. List, L. F. Hubert

method of collection is recognized a:

being as crudeasit is simple.
The nuclear explosions are treated in
this article, the Mike shot on | November 1952 and the Bravo shot on | March

1954. The shots were similar in that both

are described as having had energy in
the megaton range, both were detonated
at or near the earth’s surface on a coral
island, and both had atomic clouds that

penetrated into the stratosphere. To the
meteorologist, the main difference of in-

terest between the two events is the

For centuries meteorologists have
thought of exploring large-scale atmospheric circulations by means of tracers.
The literature describes how man has

cient radioactive debris was thrown into
the atmosphere to be deposited in both
hemispheres. Measurements of the de-

radioactive tracers across the United

and measurement techniques have been

successfully tracked fluorescent particles
to a distance of 100 miles (J), used
States (2), and followed volcanic ash

and forest fire smoke over distances of the
order of 1000 miles (3). Only the dust
from a major volcanic eruption, such as
Krakatao, has been tracked on a truly

global scale.
During two of the nuclear test periods
in the Pacific Proving Grounds of the
U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, suffi474


posited radioactivity were obtained from


tails of the network and the sampling

The winds acting on the two atomic
clouds at the time of detonation are illustrated in Fig. 1. The wind structure

exposed sheets of gummed film. The de-

described by Eisenbud and Harley (4).
It should be noted, however, that the
deposition of particles on the adhesive
surface depends cither on the presence of
precipitation or, in dry weather, on turbulence to assist the impaction of the

particles on the horizontal surface of the

paper. [t is thus possible to have a cloud
of radioactive particles pass two stations

has been estimated, when necessary, from
observations at nearby locations and
times. On both days the tropopause was
found at an altitude of about 55,000 feet,

and it separated winds blowing from dif-

ferent directions. The easterly winds
The authors are on the stalf of the U.S. Weather
Bureau, Washington, D.C.

Select target paragraph3