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A special Subcommittee of the National Academy of Sciences National Research Council Advisory Committee to the Federal Radiation
Council met September 19, 1966 to consider the July, 1962 Report on
"Pathological Effects of Thyroid Irradiation" and to update it. The
conclusions reached at this meeting and by subsequent correspondence
are presented in this report and are based on information available
through November, 1966, The members of the Subcommittee acted as
individuals, not as representatives of their organizations,
Shields Warren, Chairman of Subcommittee
on Effects of Radiation on the Thyroid

Howard L. Andrews

Victor P. Bond

Leo K. Bustad

Cyril L. Comar

Louis H. Hempelmann

Albert W. Hilberg

This report was approved by the Advisory Committee to the Federal
Radiation Council at its meeting on 10 December 1966.
Cyril L. Comar, Chairman

Seymour Abrahamson
Howard L. Andrews
Victor P. Bond
George W. Casarett
Louis H. Hempelmann

Brian MacMahon
Joseph E. Rall
William L. Russell
Eugene L. Saenger
Shields Warren

Samuel P. Hicks


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