radionuclide content of foods (marine and terrestrial) that would be
available to a returning population.
levels were less extensive.

Measurements of external radiation

Islands were divided into several measure-

ment areas and readings of gamma and beta-gamma were taken at.several

locations in each


Results of analyses of environmental samples collected in 1964
including analyses for plutonium-239 were published in CONF-670503,
Symposium on Radioecology, Proceedings of the Second National Symposium,
Ann Arbor, Michigan, May 15-17, 1967, in a report by A. D. Welander

entitled "Distribution of Radionuclides in the Environment of Eniwetok
and Bikini Atolls, August 1964."

The value reported for plutonium-239

in a single soil sample at the 1/2" to 1" depth was 11 pCi/g.
1967 Survey.

In December, 1966,the AEC, in responding to a request

from the Secretary of the Department of Interior, agreed to make a
determination on whether Bikini and its lagoon were safe for continued

habitation and whether the Bikinians could have hazard-free use of
the resources of the atoll and its adjacent water areas.


it was determined that the available survey data were not yet complete
and that another team visit was needed to conduct a more extensive
survey of external radiation levels in Bikini Atoll.

Also needed was

a determination of the radionuclides that contributed to this radiation





Select target paragraph3