
HQ and NV staff meeting with Trust Territory staff.


Followup meeting at NV.


Review Trust Territory response.


Finalize field trip plans.


Field trip to Bikini Atoll.


Sample analysis and evaluation.


Finalize 1969 survey reports.


Reevaluate Bikini situation if needed.

Meeting with Trust Territory Representatives.

It is considered essential

to brief Trust Territory officials of the purpose of the presently
proposed field trip and to coordinate plans with them.

It appears

prudent to discuss the 1969 findings and the need for more data on
alpha emitters in soil and air to complement the data on beta and gamma

Also, plans for continuing monitoring over the next several

years should be discussed.
Dr. Conard reported that the Bikini workers are collecting scrap
metal which they intend to sell.

He informed the Trust Territory

representative on Eneu that he would inquire whether AEC wanted to
monitor this material before it is taken from the atoll.

The draft

SWRHL report entitled "Report of the Radiological Cleanup of Bikini

Atoll" states that "All scrap metal or concrete with contact readings

greater than 100 micro-R per hour (uR/hr) was treated as radioactiv


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