
Concentration Guide for individuals in the general public, or 0.6 to

1.2%, for a suitable sample of the public.


Thus, the levels of plutonium in the top layer of soil at Rocky

Flats and at Palomares have not led to any situations of concern with
respect to a possible airborne pathway to man.

As discussed in the

following section, the situation is expected to be even more favorable
with respect to possible airborne plutonium at Bikini.

Particle Size in Soil.

Determination of the size of individual particles

of plutonium oxide or plutonium oxide agglomerated with soil is almost
impossible after the particle has reached the earth's surface and become

mixed with other particles.

It is the opinion of Dr. John Harley, HASL,

and Dr. Wright Langham, LASL, that particle size studies of plutoniumbearing soil at Bikini or elsewhere would be unprofitable.

Most particle

size determinations for studies on plutonium are made on fallout
samples collected by cascade impactor or selective filters.

A number

of particle size determinations were made on samples collected following

Project 57 (during Operation PLUMBOB, NTS during 1957) and Operation
ROLLER COASTER (Tonopah Test Range, 1963).
A report of particle size determinations on air samples collected

by cascade impactors following the Double Tracks event of ROLLER COASTER,
indicated particle sizes ranging from 2.5 microns diameter to more than

35 microns diameter.

To gain entry into lungs, the plutonium oxide

must be in very fine "respirable" particles (i.e., less than 10 mic

Select target paragraph3