


Dear Oscar:
Last week I attended a meeting at our Headquarters

to discuss the ERDA medical program at Rongelap and Utirik.

in Washington

Of course

Dr. Conard was there also.
We have recognized that there is some dissatisfaction among the
people of both Atolls and

especially recently.

there certainly have been some misunderstandings,

In our Washington discussions we have recognized

that the people wish for an expansion of their medical care (to cover all
people and all aspects of health) and that they look to ERDA for that

We recognize also,


that the responsibility for health

services rests with you and your administration.

Lf we move in to Utirik or

Rongelap or anywhere else in the Marshalls with a medical care program, we foresee
problems for you in explaining the absence of such a program in other areas.
Thug, as you and I have discussed, any ERDA effort to help ovt with health
services must be done in coordination with you.
The tentative solution which we have arrived at is for us to
assist you im certain specific ways, using the resources which we have in
the Marshalls,

in order that you may be better able to handle the Utirik/

Rongelap situation.

We, of course,

intend to continue to care for the exposed peopl:

of these atolls, but we think it is important that they understand that regular
medical care is being provided by the TIPI.
We have now drawn up a statement,

setting forth ERDA's position in this matter.

a copy of which is enclosed,

It includes a statement of what

things we are prepared to do to help improve the present situation.

We hope

that the next step will be to work with you and your staff to decide upon

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