
Dissipation cf radioactive fall-out in ocean waters
dg not a srac.al spreacing out of the activity from
the region ef highest concentration to uncontaminated
rerions, but that in all probability the process results
in scattered pockets ard streams of higher radloactive
materials in the Pacific. We can speculate that tina
which new show radioactivity from ingested materials
have been living in, or Lave possed through, such

pockets; or tave been feecing on plant or animal life
whicn has been expogped in these areas.


Mr. Hansen warted copies of any official pronouncenent on
the matter by tie Food and Drug idministration. We
furnished a copy of Commissioner Crawford's statement of

March 26, 195L to our Anbassador to Japan.

We stated

that since this statement was issued very early in the
courge of our monitoring operations, we felt that it did
not have much value for the situation now confrogting

the Britis: Government.


Mr. Hansen said tiat tne unpubiisiec information we furnished

would be used only as background inforaation by his government, and
would :ot be publicised.

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Select target paragraph3