we. SAMTEC personnel will cooperaté fully with and assist DNA upon re-

Ne mle.

quest to the maximum of their capabilities and availabilities.

Both activi-~

ties will exert their best efforts to develop by 1 November 1973 a schedule
of actions that must be accomplished jointly and individually in order to

complete a smooth transfer on 1 January 1974.

Property, facilities, equipment, supplies, etc., Will be inventoried

jointly on-site during a two-week period in December 1973.






USAR A Degt of Int Liscussn
by legal Sypes

DNA will exert its best efforts to accept the transfer of responsi~

-bilities for management and operation of the Eniwetok Auxiliary Airfield

from SAMTEC effective 1 January 1974.

SAMTEC will transfer the facility to

DNA as a complete operational entity including the O&M contract, balance of

of in THe pipeline.

FY 74. funds, all facilities, escuipment and supplies on site.

Upon DNA re-

quest, SAMTEC will provide advice and staff assistance to DNA to the maxi-

mum extent practicable.





BeDNA will continue to support the existing tenant s and Programs 5 DNA


will continue to make available to the O&M contractor those goverment fur~
hished supplies and services committed to SAMTEC by agrvements.

These re- |

lationships with other organizations will continue only for such time as

required by DNA -to'make separate arrangements.


It is recognized that the phase-over of functions may require 30 to



90 days after 1 January L974; Quring this time SAMTEC will not

+ Frewenn


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