
Support Agreement between U. S. Army Safeguard System Command and

Space and Missile Test Center (SAMTEC/XPS 2325) dated 24 Sep 71.

Support Agreement between Naval Supply Center, Pear] Harbor and

Space and Missile Test Center ,(SAMTEC/XPS 2812) dated 1 Jul 1973.

Agreement between Air Force Western Test Range, Pacific Air Force

Base Command, and Government of the Trust Perritories of the Pacific

Islands (AFWIR/WILO 2903) dated 9 Mar 1965.


“Le Interservice Support Agreement between U. S. Coast Guard, Fourteenth

Coast Guard District and Space and Missile Test Center (SAMTEC/XPO 3007)
dated 1.Oct i970.

Technical Plan for Geologic and Geophysical Investigation of Eni-~

wetok Atoll and Eniwetok Nuclear Craters.

Project EXPOE (Explcratory Pro-=

gram on Eniwetok) 1 Jun 1973 (Air Force Weapons Laboratory).



The development of this plan at this time must necessarily be based

upon certain assumptions of decisions not yet made.

it, is agreed that the

following assumptions appeer to be valid and rational; it is not the intent

'to influence such decisions by approval of this document.

If future de-

‘cisions. should be made contrary to these,, the related portions of this plan.
wild be modified accordingly.

The Department of Defense will be designated to budget and fund for

major portions of the cleanup and rehabilitation program.





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