Exhibit A

June 10, 1948



Darol Froman


Melvin Bowman



Collection of filter paper from the drons planes at Enivetok involved

the following operations: .



Removal of the filter units from the drone planes.

Each drone

carried two filter units; one on the top of the fuselage just back of the
pilot's seat, and one on the bottom of the fuselage just under the nose of
the plane, The units were fastened to the planes by dowel pins which could

be released by pulling lanyards attached to the pins. Ech lanyard ran
from its filter unit to a point just back of the wing. The handle of the

lanyard wes held at this point in a holder attached to the fuselage of the

A special lift arrangement vas cerried by truck from plane to plans
to lift the top filter unit. When this special lift was in position, ons

radiochemist would epproach the plane, detach the lanyart handle from its

holder and release the filter unit by pulling on the lanyard. The special
lift would then carry the filter mit to a point about fifty feet from the

Plane where two radiochenists transferred the filter unit (by hand) from
the special lift to the ground.

The bottom filter unit was allowed to fall to the ground when its
lanyard was pulled. It was then dreggeid along the ground by the lanyard
to a point about fifty feet from the plans.


Removal of the paper holder from the filter unit.

Each paper

was held between two wire ecreens which were in turn attached to a section
of the side of the filter mit. Each side section was fastened to the
filter unit by eleven pins which vere in turn held in position by wires
running through holes in the pins. These vires vere all attached on ons

handle so that ones pull on the handle released the entire side sectian.
The detached paper holder was then carried away from the main body of the

filter wit. Each filter wnit contained two filter peper holders so that
after ons holder was removed it was necessary to turn the entire imit over

(by hand) in order to remove the second.

(3) Removal of filter paper from paper holder.

The filter paper vas

removed from the paper holdera by cutting two wires which held ths two
ecreans together, picking up the paper by tongs and oarrying the paper
to the lead shipping conteiner.

Exhibit A


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ere - USN OA2


Select target paragraph3