fo: Louie H. Hempelmann, H. Div., May 24, 1988, Bubj: “Hotes on the
Sandstone Personnel Receiving Beta Radiation” (Cont'd)


the monitor Informed then they were hot. |
said he knev from a
previous shot that the gloves of personnel became hot.
Presence of gunk on the gloves of these personnel accounts for

the fact that the burns seemed to be on the inner surfaces of the fingers

toward the palm of the hand. One has difficulty in seeing how such a dose
could be delivered by the handling of the filter papers. All four individuszis named above mentioned seeing tongs for handling the filter paper;

they also mentioned the fact that they handled the filter papers rather

indiscriminately although they vere avare that there was a quarter inch
dead space on the periphery of each of these filter papers. The filter

papers are about 10 x 18 inches. Although they handled there filter papers
rather indiscriminately, it is hard to ace how a sustained beta dosage to
the skin surface could be given beceuse the radioactive material on the

paper probably was not in immediate cantact with the body surfaces for any
sustained length of tims. And if any activity had come off the paper it
would bave caused burns on the ends of the index fingers and thumbs.

In their accounts of their work
pointed out, for instance,
that they kneeled down to pick up the two pieces of filter paper from each

filter unit and stapled them together.



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Ons person held the two papers at

the short enis vith both his hands while the other person used the ordinary
kind of stapler to pin them together. It is, therefore, probable that the
faces of these people were on the order of half a mster from the hot filter
paper surfece. The filter paper as a eburce of radiation for the hands is
to be contrasted with the gunk which obvicusly stuck to the cotton gloves
and remained fairly close to the skin surface at all times.
A final word concerning the position
unite: Apparently it wes located on the inner
so that when the men took hold of the mits to
' ground the gunk stuck to the inner surface of
seeing this black gunk on the white filters.

of this gunk on the filter
wall of the filter unit,
2ift them through the
the glove. Ho one mentionsd

Lang expressed the opinion

that it was not wet or ofly but rather was sooty.

story is of interest in that he helped take

down four of the upper filter units having on rubber and cotton gloves.
He then removed the gloves and proceeded to assist in preparing about
tventy filter sheets with his bare hands. He expressed the idea that


his exposure would be lower if he could work quickly (bare-hanied).


Exhibit M
(Page 2)


Select target paragraph3