





filter papers, around 20, because scae of them had double thicknesses,

I wrote the number of the plans down on a sheet of paper for identification-

\ knslt down by the filter unit, snipped open the
wires holding the two screens together, opened it up and picked up the
filter papera. If they were single, one of us put the two papers face to
fece, put the identification sheet on top ani stapled the whole thing

I had the stapler, held it with my right hand, gresping the

side of the filter paper vith my left hand. It was one of the small desk,

push-type staplers about four inches long. I did this down on one knas,
as close to the filter pepers as
wes, for instance, After
would open out the filter sides and be putting thez together
while I was writing down the identification number. I picked them up and

put them into the lead coffin on the jeep, which was about 3 - h fect avay. -

After we put the filter pspers in the coffin,

made some measurements

on the coffins efter they vere closed up. (This reading could probably be
gotten fron
) They were taken through the stesl plate at the

bottom end through the lead at the top.
on all of then.

He said he was going to do it

We got in the jeep aroumd 9:00. :

ehower and change clothes.

Just as

head left to

ané I finished we got in the

seep end met them after going around ths mile; changed jeeps with then
and they took the jeep vith the samples ani went back to the airstrip.

We went on to our quarters.

JI took off the clothes I had, washed my hands

pretty wali,
took a shower. Then ve went back to the airstrip.
We weren't close to the pleanss vhich vere on the opposite side ani sozs

distance from the operations.

The Had-Befety people had Victorean msters

which vere quite sensitive. We stopped by their group ani I got myself
some clean clothes but I didn't heve them check my hands, Msasurenents
were mate by Victorean meters at the Los Aleasos Hospital when we got back.

They said my hands were giving off 1 mr at contact, shoes gave off about


(I was wearing the same shoes I had on during the operation.)

In the previous shot, they had some difficulty with identirica-

tion end they didn't want them stapled together. I thought it vas best
to handle ths papers vith our hands to do the job quickly and accurately,

Tongs were there, but the pspers were hard to handle and I assumed it
would be better to use the hanis an4 get less body radiation. It might
have been better if we had taken the filter sides entirely away from the


I know that on previous shots ths gloves had gotten pretty hot.

They had monitored then but I don't remember any figures.
had thrown their gloves avay after they got through with four planes. I
worked vith mins during four planes, and took them off imnusdiately efter
finishing, because I mew thsy vere hot, as well as being sticky and hot




Erhibit EK
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