
Dr. Robert Stone, June 28, 1948, page 2
The present conditions of all the boys are more or less satisfactory,
except for leucocytoais and increased lymphocytic granuals which appeared at the beginning of the blister formation. The circulation of

the fingers was good, but ve observed thrombosis, dilatation, and

tortuosity in the capillary vessels eat the base of the finger nails.
I have given the above from memory, eo the date may not be entirely ascurate. Shields Warren was here recently and he wants us to publish the
eases after a six month's follow-up. JI would like very mich to give you
a preview of our excellent series of colored photographs. I learned

several thinge from following the cases.

The most interesting is that,

beta ray burns can look a lot like a bruise. The first ons was completely mis-diagnosed by us because it was located in a place where we did
not think rediation burns could occur. It was interesting to correlate
chenges in blood count with the visible day-by-day progress of lesions.
Let me apologize again for disturbing you Sunday afternoon six weeks ago,
and thank you for your advice and reassurance.

After the bandages are

removed this week I hope I will feel as optimistic as you Vere when I
last spoke to you.
Very sincerely yours,

Louis H. Hexpelmann, M.D.

Health Division

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Exhibit E
(Pege 2)





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