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Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory

(Contract W-7405-Eng-36)
P. O. Box 1663

Los Alamos,

New Mexico

In reply

refer to: LAB-ADIR-R

Mr. Roy B.


December 12, 1947

Acting Secretary

Atomic Energy Commission

Washington 25,
Dear Mr,



May I call your attention to the scheduling, as noted in
the Minutes of the Seventh Meeting, of an informal meeting of the

General Advisory Committee in Chicago, December 29 and 30.
meeting has two purposes:



1) fo inspect the Argonne National Laboratory.
will be done starting at 9:30 A.M. December 29, and ar-

rangements have been made between this office and that
of Dr. Hilberry at Argonne.

2) To examine definite Los Alamos proposals with respect
to the test program.
This will take place at 9:00 A.M,
December 30 at a place arranged by Dr. Hilberry.
the first part of the meeting will be an executive session,
during the latter portion (say, after 10:00 A.M.) it would
be appropriate for other interested individuals to attend,
thus following a pattern similar to that of regular GAC
In view of the nature of the second session of December 30,
may.t request that your office
1) Inform the Commissioners and staff of this meeting
and extend to individuals as determined by the Commission,
an invitation to be present,
(I know, for example, that
Dr. Bacher, Dr. Fisk, General McCormack, and Captain Russel”
are interested in the subject of the meeting.)

2) Inform the Military Liaison Committee of this meet-

ing and invite them to be represented.
(I understand that
Admiral Parsons is especially interested.)
Your assistance will be appreciated.

Very truly yours,

/s/ J. H. Manley
Secretary, General Advisory

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